This time, I am focus on Tokyo fashion trend which are Straw handbag ('kagobagu' in Japanese) that has been trend started in the spring of 2010. Straw handbags aren't a new item. They make an appearance to some degree every summer, but this year they are everywhere and being carried by everyone in Tokyo. This summer's straw bag could be linked with the straw boater hat trend that are popular in the spring, and the bag also match nicely with all of the floral patterned dresses and floral rompers that are all over the streets of Tokyo right now.
These are some pictures of people in Tokyo that are using a straw handbag. The straw handbags are popular from Omotesando to Shibuya's Grayu to cute Harajuku Girls to older woman and younger teens, everyone seems to love their straw bags. Many of the straw bags in Tokyo are not a typical of a 'picnic basket' or 'beach bag' type. Instead, the bags have a lot of bright colors, embroidery, decorations, dangling charms and some of cute characters. These are some of the shops that sell a straw bag.
woo.. i like the bag with bear in the last picture.. so cuteee.. kawaii.. aaaaa.. > <
wow, my mum has a similar straw bag, since it is back fashionable again, i can re-use the bag.